About Us
But I am like an olive tree flourishing in the house of God...
Psalm 52:8

The 100% All Natural Tree to Table Experience
Baroness Olive Oil is a family owned farm in the heart of the Sierra Foothills in Newcastle, California, owned by Barbara and Don Hare. We take care of our 400 tree olive grove all by hand, that's a lot of love and hard work, but the taste is so worth it! We are very proud to be offering our customers products that are naturally grown and scientifically proven to benefit their health. After our first year of harvesting in 2018, our olive products were so delicious we wanted more, and to share them, so we continue to work hard and bring our finest olive products to your table. We are environmentally conscientious by never using pesticides and we reduce waste by using the prunings off our trees to make our Olive Leaf Tea and Ground Olive Leaf.
Check it out and start shopping today!